Throughout the years, the Princess was repeatedly compared to the infamous Pagan Goddess, Diana. In Roman Mythology, Diana was the Goddess of the woodlands, of wild animals, and of hunting. She also acted as a fertility goddess, who helped woman conceive and give birth to children.
As goddess of childbirth, nursing and healing; Diana held an honoured place amongst women. The goddess Diana, was considered to be pure and virginal, yet she could be arrogant and vengeful. Also as the goddess is linked to the moon, the goddess had a changeable and unpredictable nature.
This clearly reflects into Diana, as she was known for her kind nurturing side, however with surprising mood swings, she had another side to her.
In the tabloids, she was constantly framed as being manipulative and unstable, even by Charles himself. This was all unearthed, with the release of Andrew Morton's book Diana: The True Story, which really gave the insight into Diana herself and her failure-of-a-marriage.
However, despite Charles' effort to show her less the innocent side, it soon backfired as the tabloid and public only saw her empathetic and warmth, to which she openly expressed. It was clear to people surrounding the couple, that Charles clearly didn't love her.
Was this apparent to the Princess? Possibly yes. However, how does one know how someone feels about them? I think it was apparent to Diana that Charles was disinterested in her, and possibly lacked love. Much like the Pagan Goddess, Diana was unforgiving and openly publishing everything about her marriage in Mortons book, exploiting the truth about Charles.
Are these coincidences between the infamous goddess Diana and the Princess of Wales, or has fait intervened?
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